Perth - our first stop in WA
You have an overall feeling of cleanliness, light and fresh air in this
bustling city. Walking towards the Swan River a light breeze brushes your
face and there is an openness as the river is as wide as Sydney Harbour. If you
walk in the opposite direction you find the main city shopping area and the
railway station. This station is quite unique - it is light, airy and in the
centre of the city. Trains are clean and run a 10 minute service to most
suburbs. May be the NSW train hierarchy should visit WA and learn a little about
how to operate an efficient system.

Just next to the railway station is the Art Gallery of Perth and before you enter the
gallery the council have made a most charming millstream like pond.
Kings Park
Our main reason for visiting Perth was to attend the Wildflower festival in
Kings Park. We were not disappointed. I will let the photos tell you the story.


Following are two views of Perth skyline and the Swan River.

South Perth
It is a short ferry trip across the river to South Perth. Our specific quest
was to visit the Zoo. The unexpected result was to have a tour over the paddle
steamer Decoy, and then watch it steam away up river.

South Perth ferry nearing Perth.
Paddle steamer Decoy at South Perth
Decoy steaming off down the Swan River.

Perth Zoo located in South Perth
After leaving the wharf we made our way to the Zoo. The gardens were
impressive with a wonderful variety of native plants, even a boab tree, which we
couldn't resist photographing.
Animals, however, were in short supply. We did manage a few photographs such
as the kangaroo, the dingo and the meerkat below. Unfortunately the meerkat
refused to stand up on its hind legs for us, so eventually we photographed it digging in the ground, though they certainly look much cuter on their hind legs.
Perth Agricultural Show
There are no photographs taken by us at the show, but we all had a terrific
day. It's good to join in with the local community activities.
Things we saw and did at the show: obedient dog competition, wood chopping, camp drafting, horse
jumping, agricultural displays, bird displays and of course wining and dining.
One of the really nice things about this showground is that as you walk around
to the exhibition buildings you can watch the progress of events on the main
arena, nothing is closed off.
The University of Western Australia

This university is outstanding for its grounds which abound in beautiful
gardens. There are also some very stunning buildings, such as the one shown in
this photo and in the photo below.

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